Yue Che

Yue Che


I am an urban geography student at the Centre of Social Justice, Cities, Citizenship (SJCC), University of Leeds.

Like many other staff/PGR colleges, I came to geography driven by research experience and interests and through a circuitous path. I have spent most of my previous educational experience studying for degrees related to architecture.

After completing 2 years of undergraduate study at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) in Suzhou, China in 2018, I transferred to the University of Liverpool for another 2 years to gain my Bachelor of Architecture degree (with The Royal Institute of British Architects Part 1 qualifications) in 2020.

I also studied MA Architecture and Historical Urban Environments (MAHUE) at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UCL) in 2021.

Through my previous study, I have gradually become aware of and concerned about urbanization, especially urban regeneration in the post-urbanization era.

When I prepared my master's degree dissertation named ‘Olympic Visions: Toward a Successful Urban Legacy’, I explored the role that Mega-event can play in promoting urbanization and urban regeneration, and in doing so I focused on the role of social media in this progress.

This sparked my desire to explore and pursue it further in my PhD.

Research interests

My research interests are mainly focused on urban regeneration.

I am interested in the driving forces or tools in contemporary urban regeneration, including social media, mega-events, civil society, and government policy.

For this reason, I am particularly focused on mechanisms of how these tools are adapted to the local context and assume an active role in the urban regeneration process. 

My PhD research will explore the feasibility of using social media as a research tool to promote Chinese urban regeneration.


  • MA Architecture and Historic Urban Environment, University College London (UCL), UK
  • BArch Architecture, University of Liverpool, UK
  • BEng Architecture, Xi'an Jiaotong- Liverpool University, China