Andi Misbahul Pratiwi
- Email: gyamp@leeds.ac.uk
- Supervisors: Dr Katie McQuaid, Professor Robert M Vanderbeck
Andi is a feminist scholar and activist currently pursuing a PhD in the School of Geography at the University of Leeds, focusing on gender and climate change. Her research explores intersectional climate justice in coastal regions of the Global South, with a particular emphasis on Indonesia. She examines embodied knowledges, gender-based vulnerabilities, intersectional climate impacts, everyday adaptation strategies, and feminist solidarities among coastal women and fisherwomen communities.
She conducted fieldwork in coastal villages, supported by the GENERATE Project, employing Creative-Feminist Participatory Action Research. Working closely with fisherwomen’s communities, she co-created community-led, creative climate communication media, including the illustrated book Tidal Floods: Women, Fisheries, and Climate Crisis in Indonesia (2024) and the zine Puspita Bahari: Fisherwomen’s Movement in Coastal Demak (2024). Beyond documentation, she collaborated with these communities to organize public discussions, photo and fishing gear exhibitions, and collective actions that brought together the most impacted communities, policymakers, artists, and scholars to engage in community-led conversations on the climate crisis.
Beyond her PhD project, she is part of the Gender Research Center at the University of Indonesia and a guest editor for the Indonesian Feminist Journal. She is also passionate about writing popular articles on various platforms to engage with broader audiences.
Research interests
Intersectionality; Climate Justice; Feminist Political Ecology; Feminist Participatory Action Research; Creative Methodologies.
- M.Sc. in Gender Studies, University of Indonesia (ID)