Dr Myles Gould
- Position: Associate Professor
- Areas of expertise: population geography, health geography, multilevel modelling, quantitative methods, mixed methods, health and place, longitudinal census data
- Email: M.I.Gould@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 3374
- Location: 10.116 Irene Manton Building
- Website: Twitter | LinkedIn | Googlescholar | Researchgate
Dr Myles Gould is a Lecturer in Population Geography; and cluster leader for the Centre for Spatial Analysis and Policy (CSAP). He BA Joint Honours Tutor and also Programmes Manger and Admission Officer for the following programmes: BA Economics and Geography; and BA Geography and [Business] Management; BA Geography and Sociology.
His research interests include geography of health and health care, self-reported health, health behaviours, voting intentions, residential movement and segregation, multilevel modelling and statistics, longitudinal data analysis. Current projects include the application of multilevel models of voting intentions, residential movement, health and tenure transitions and educational outcomes in Opportunity Areas.
Previous PhD
Michael Thomas, Modelling individual and place variations in residential moves using commercial data and official statistics, ESRC TALISMAN Studentship, completed October 2014.
Rukchanok Karcharnubarn, Variations in Health Status of the Elderly in Thailand, Thai Government Funded, completed February 2011.
Matthew Higgs, Student lifestyle, alcohol consumption and health, ESRC CASE Studentship (collaborative partner: Alcohol Education and Research), completed December 2010.
Han-Liang Lin (Linx), The study of urban structure by an approach of spatial clustering, funded by the Taiwan Government, completed 2003.
Present Position
- Associate Professor in Human Geography
- Research Cluster Leader, Centre for Spatial Analysis and Policy (CSAP)
- Admission Officer – BA Geography Programmes
Previous Posts
- Academic Integrity Officer (September 2011 – August 2014)
- Examinations Officer - Taught Postgraduates (July 2009 – November 2012)
- GSS & Statistical Governance Manager (Secondment), The NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care (Feb. 2006 – Jan 2007)
- Programme Manager, Masters in Geography (MGEOG) – BA Arts & BSc Science pathways (August 2004 to July 2008)
- Director of Open Distance Learning & Programme Manager MSc/PgD/PgC GIS for Business & Service Planning - ODL (2000-2004)
- Lecturer in Health Services Research, Research & Development Support Unit, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust and School of Postgraduate Medicine, University of Portsmouth (1996-1998)
- Research Associate, Department of Geography, University of Portsmouth (1993-1996)
Selected Publications
Thomas M, Stillwell J, and Gould M (2016) ‘Modelling the duration of residence and plans for future
residential relocation: A multilevel analysis', Transactions Institute of British Geographers, DOI:10.1111/tran.12123.
Thomas M, Stillwell J, and Gould M (2015) “Modelling multilevel variations in distance moved between origins and destinations in England and Wales”, Environment & Planning: A 47(4), pp.996-1014, doi:10.1068/a130327p
Thomas M, Stillwell J, and Gould M (2015) “Modelling mover/stayer characteristics across the lifecourse using a large commercial sample” Population, Space and Place, Early View: DOI: 10.1002/psp.1943.
- CSAP Research Cluster Leader
- Programme Manager BA Joint Hons. Programmes
Research interests
Research Interests
- Geography of Health and Health Care
- Voting intentions and Neighbourhood Effects
- Residential Movement and Segregation
- Multilevel Statistical Modelling
- Geographical Data Analysis
- Longitudinal Data Analysis
- Census Data Analysis
Work on Multilevel Statistical Modelling
This has modelling of self-reported morbidity, mortality, tenure change, (un)employment, voting intentions, residential movement, and residential segregation. Multilevel models operate at more than one level and allow the simultaneous analysis of compositional effects (what is in a place) and contextual effects (the difference that place make). Multilevel models are suited to hierarchically structured data sets where individuals nest within places or contexts Multilevel models provide a compromise between individual level and ecological analyses, and also provide more efficient and precise model estimates.
Current Research Projects
- Voting intentions and neighbourhood effects
- Educational outcomes in Opportunity Areas
- Application of cross-classified and multivariate multilevel models
- Longitudinal data anlaysis
- Applications areas include: self-reported health/housing tenure transitions, residential movement & segregation.
PhD Supervision
Dr Myles Gould is interested in supervising PhDs in the following areas:
- Individual, area and contextual determinants of health and wellbeing
- Health and place
- Voting intentions
- Obesity
- Alcohol consumption and culture
- Short-distance residential mobility
- Variations in healthcare use and accessibility
- Individual and area socioeconomic deprivation
- Multilevel modelling of compositional and contextual variation in wellbeing (using secondary data)
- Epidemiological and survey methods, mixed methods and secondary data analysis
- Voting intentions
- Therapeutic landscapes
- Health Services Research (in particular Research Design, Statistical Analysis and Epidemiology)
- PhD, Geography, University of Bristol
- BA, Geography, Portsmouth Polytechnic
Professional memberships
- Fellow Royal Geographical Society (wIBG)
- Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society
- Member of the Radical Statistics Group
Student education
Dr Myles Gould has taught on a range of different modules at different levels during his time at Leeds. He has been involved research methods and research design teaching, as well teaching substantive modules in population and health geography. He also currently a member of the teaching team for the careers module. Previously he taught on the health variations module in School of Healthcare, and environment skills in the Environment Centre (now the School of Earth and Environment). He was the first programme manager for the PgC/Dip/Msc GIS by Open Distance learning (ODL) which has now been recruiting students for nearly two decades.
Elsewhere he taught epidemiological concepts, heath research and development, and clinical effectiveness to nurses, doctors and professions allied to medicine in the Portsmouth and South East Hampshire districts and the previous NHS South and West Region. He is co-author of the text book: Moon G; Gould M and colleagues (2000) Epidemiology for nurses and the caring professions, Open University Press. For five years contributed to residential course on multilevel modelling at the University Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis. He acted as an external examiner for the University of Portsmouth and a course validator for the University of Brighton.
Research groups and institutes
- Institute for Spatial Data Science