
Results 301 to 305 of 509 in School of Earth and Environment

Image of the ice sheets in Greenland

Research by University of Leeds scientists has found that Greenland has lost 3.8 trillion tonnes of ice since 1992 – enough to push global sea levels up by 10.6 millimetres.

Image of soybeans growing

During the last two decades agricultural practices and nitrogen-rich fertilisers have significantly increased the amount of nitrous oxide emissions in the atmosphere, according to a new study.

Image of Dr Anna Hogg from the Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science

Dr Anna Hogg been awarded the European Geosciences Union 2020 Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award.

Athena Swan Silver logo

The Schools of Earth and Environment, Geography and the Institute for Transport Studies have been awarded Athena SWAN Silver award.

Power station

Reducing fossil fuel emissions aggressively but gradually will not cause a large spike in short-term warming as feared, according to new research.