
Results 351 to 355 of 509 in School of Earth and Environment


A new study improves understanding of the Earth system by explaining and quantifying important interactions and feedbacks between the biosphere and the atmosphere.

New map of Antarctica

A new map of Antarctica, available to download from today, is providing the most accurate three-dimensional view of the continent to date.

Forest Fires

Historic levels of particles in the atmosphere released from pre-industrial era fires, and their cooling effect on the planet, may have been significantly underestimated according to a new study.

Dr Natasha Barlow has been awarded an ERC starting grant, for a project titled ‘Rates of Interglacial Sea-level Change, and Responses' (RISeR).

global funding success

The University of Leeds has been ranked in the top three UK universities for global funding success, according to new data from Research Fortnight.