
Results 131 to 135 of 481 in School of Earth and Environment

A view of an aeroplane wing in the clouds.
Image via Unsplash/Ross Parmly

Carbon taxes on heating and driving affect the poor more – but charges on flights could offer a fair way to tax carbon.

Screengrab images from the Why Wool Matters documentary: King Charles III, left, and sheep in a field.
Stills taken from Youtube/Campaign for Wool

Why Wool Matters has been awarded Best Fashion Documentary at the 2022 London Fashion Film Festival.

Image of a weather radar

The University of Leeds' prestigious membership of the Met Office Academic Partnership (MOAP) will continue, welcoming the Universities of Edinburgh and Birmingham.

Sentinel 1: image credit European Space Agency 2021

The European Space Agency (ESA) has chosen the Harmony research mission for implementation, which will provide a wealth of new data about our oceans, ice, earthquakes and volcanoes. 

Logo of European Geosciences Union

Professor Ken Carslaw is the co-executive editor and one of the founding committee of Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, which led the way in open access publishing and public peer review.