
Results 681 to 685 of 1069 in all schools

A photograph of six yellow tents set up on Mount Everest.

Ice temperatures inside the world’s highest glacier on the slopes of Mount Everest are warmer than expected and especially vulnerable to future climate change, warn glaciologists.

Dr Jie Huang, ITS alumna

An Institute for Transport Studies alumna has recently been published in the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). 

mobile x-band weather radar deployed in Cumbria

Three scientists from the School of Earth and Environment are part of a team aiming to improve flood forecasting in Cumbria.

Identifying seedling, Madre de Dios river, Peru 1998. Oliver Phillips, University of Leeds

A team of more than 100 scientists has assessed the impact of global warming on thousands of tree species across the Amazon to discover the winners and losers from 30 years of climate change.

Louis hansel

The Nutritional Epidemiology Group at the School of Food Science and Nutrition has been designated as a new World Health Organisation (WHO) Collaborating Centre.