
Results 226 to 230 of 1010 in all schools

Neogene burial of organic carbon in the global ocean

Ocean warming may decrease the rate at which carbon from dead and decaying marine organisms is buried and sequestrated on the sea floor.

A hydropower dam

Scientists have analysed data from nearly three million rivers across the globe to identify where hydropower stations could be sited with limited environmental impacts.

A drop of molten chocolate ready to go under a microscope

Scientists have decoded the physical process that takes place in the mouth when chocolate is eaten, as it changes from a solid into a smooth emulsion that many people find totally irresistible.

Glacier ice

Scientists have developed AI to track the development of crevasses - or fractures - on the Thwaites Glacier ice tongue in west Antarctica.


A new game app aims to improve understanding of healthy foods and empower use of nutrition label information on food packaging.