
Results 366 to 370 of 1010 in all schools


Global warming has caused extreme ice melting events in Greenland to become more frequent and more intense over the past 40 years according to new research, raising sea levels and flood risk worldwide


A glacier in West Antarctica has been formally named after the city of Glasgow to mark its hosting of the COP26 climate change conference.

Geography students chatting

In the run up to COP26, Leeds PhD student Anne Sietsma tells us why the Global Conference of Youth (COY) is so important, and how you can get your voice heard at COP26.

A photograph of a field with sheep and wind turbines in.

Industry must speed up investment in new technologies that allow manufacture of materials using renewable electricity if net zero emissions targets are to be met, researcher warn.

Earth aliens

Parts of the Earth will be uninhabitable by 2500 if the current level of effort to address the climate crisis is maintained, a new study predicts.