Cluster of Research Excellence launches for sustainable food systems

The University of Leeds has joined the University of Pretoria and the University of Montpellier in a new international research partnership.
The partnership is one of seventeen Africa-Europe Clusters of Research Excellence (COREs) that were born from a collaboration between the Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities and the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA).
The University of Leeds is pleased to be a founding member of the CORE in Sustainable Food Systems. The Global Food and Environment Institute (GFEI) will lead the University of Leeds’ participation as part of our strategic partnership with the University of Pretoria.
The newly-signed strategic partnership with the University of Pretoria saw both institutions commit to tackling some of the world's most pressing challenges such as reducing hunger, increasing gender and health equity and delivering climate action.
The agreement builds on the success of existing sustainable food systems collaborations, such as the Global Challenges Research Fund Food Systems Research Network for Africa (FSNet-Africa).
These activities are key components of the University’s strategic partnership with the University of Pretoria and our longstanding engagement with partners in the African continent and around the globe on sustainable food systems.
Collaborative research community
The GFEI is a collaborative research community whose members work across disciplines in academia, industry and public policy. The aim of the GFEI is to work towards a new global food system that is sustainable and fair for all.
Professor Steve Banwart, Director of the GFEI, says: “The University of Leeds enthusiastically supports the aims of the Africa-Europe Cluster of Excellence to advance Africa’s science, contribute academic excellence to support transformative change and create critical mass, and to champion equitable partnership and leadership.
This is a great opportunity to build on our substantial collaboration with the ARUA Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Food Systems.
As well as being a key partner in FSNet-Africa, the GFEI has been working with the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN). They support the FANRPAN to inform African policy processes towards sustainable food systems.
Participation in the Africa-Europe Cluster aligns strongly with the University of Leeds Strategy 2020-2030 Universal Values, Global Change and exemplifies the University’s global leadership and advocacy through the Knowledge Equity Network to ensure that access to knowledge and its benefits is shared by all.