
Results 381 to 385 of 734 in Research and innovation, Research and innovation, Research and innovation, Research and innovation

A red, polluted lake in Geamana , Romania.

Experts can make crucial decisions about future biodiversity management by using artificial intelligence to learn from past environmental change, according to a new study.

A group shot of the youth group for Place-based Climate Action Network at COP26.

A climate change film made by a group of over 40 young people from the UK and South Africa during the pandemic is being shown at COP26 today, Monday 8 November.


Global warming has caused extreme ice melting events in Greenland to become more frequent and more intense over the past 40 years according to new research, raising sea levels and flood risk worldwide


A glacier in West Antarctica has been formally named after the city of Glasgow to mark its hosting of the COP26 climate change conference.

A photograph of a field with sheep and wind turbines in.

Industry must speed up investment in new technologies that allow manufacture of materials using renewable electricity if net zero emissions targets are to be met, researcher warn.