
Results 51 to 55 of 615 in Research and innovation, Research and innovation, Research and innovation, Research and innovation

A birds-eye view of a forest with the shape of the world map in the middle.

An ultra-fast computer model that is shaping the global outlook on tackling climate change has been recognised for its environmental science impact.

A photograph of a variety of bread loaves, with some wheat grains placed over the top.

A psychological effect may be a factor in people experiencing a physical reaction to eating gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley that can cause abdominal discomfort.

Rohit Sinha

Amid extreme weather and record-breaking temperatures, world leaders are gathering in Dubai for the COP28 summit.

Balakumar Arumugham

Scientists are warning that apparently stable glaciers in the Antarctic can “switch very rapidly” and lose large quantities of ice as a result of warmer seas.

Image of a bus in Leeds city centre at night.

Bus services outside of London have seen a staggering decline over the past 15 years, with provision plummeting by more than 60% in 80 local authority areas, new research shows.