
Results 1 to 5 of 19 in Institute of Geophysics and Tectonics

Royal Astronomical Society logo

The Royal Astronomical Society awarded Professor Davies the Price Medal for his work to further the understanding of the thermochemical evolution of the Earth.

Sentinel 1: image credit European Space Agency 2021

The European Space Agency (ESA) has chosen the Harmony research mission for implementation, which will provide a wealth of new data about our oceans, ice, earthquakes and volcanoes. 

Susanna Ebmeier

Dr Susanna Ebmeier awarded 2022 AGU John Wahr Early Career Award

Dr Timothy Craig – Royal Society University Research Fellow in the School of Earth and Environment – has been recognised for his outstanding contributions to the field of geodynamics.

On the left Chancellor Professor Dame Jane Francis and on the right Professor Gregory Houseman

Two prominent Leeds figures have been elected as Fellows of the prestigious Royal Society.