
Results 126 to 130 of 496 in all schools for climate

A power plant.

Industrialised nations responsible for excessive levels of CO2 emissions could be liable for $170 trillion in compensation by 2050 to ensure climate change targets are met, say researchers.

A glacier in Greenland

A study has found widespread mass loss of glaciers and ice caps in Greenland since the start of the 20th century.

Discourses of delay

Research uncovers over fifty-five commonly used justifications by high energy consumers not to change their lifestyles.

A group of families at a Be Curious stall.

Record numbers of visitors flocked to campus on Saturday to sample free family-friendly activities showcasing the University’s world-changing research.

Dr Anvesha Mahendra

The Faculty of Environment’s Dr Anvesha Mahendra has been included in the collection. She discusses how important maternal nutrition is, even before conception.