
Results 206 to 210 of 1038 in all schools

Punnets of strawberries

Strawberry lovers might want to check the provenance of their fruit this summer following controversy about a new farming bill which could cause the devastation of an iconic Spanish wetland.

A person in a travel simulator.

Algorithms that accurately reflect the behaviour of road users - vital for the safe roll out of driverless vehicles - are still not available, warn scientists.

1)	The research team led people on a ‘scavenger hunt’ activity where they asked the group to record things that they noticed around them as a data collection exercise.

New research has revealed for the first time that well-functioning ecosystems are crucial to human health and wellbeing.

Text reads: Clean Air at Leeds

This Clean Air Day, we are celebrating the innovative research to support cleaner air in the Faculty of Environment and beyond.

A power plant.

Human-caused global warming has continued to increase at an “unprecedented rate” since the last major assessment of the climate system published two years ago, say 50 leading scientists.