
Results 371 to 375 of 496 in all schools for climate

Image of Dr Amanda Maycock

Priestley Centre researcher Dr Amanda Maycock has received two prestigious awards for her work on Earth’s climate.

For decades scientists have tried to understand why forests emit the volatile gases that give pine forests their distinctive smell. A new study led by the University of Leeds may have found the answer

Image of a bramble cay melomys rat

An extensive new study will aid scientists in updating conservation strategies and understanding how climate change is affecting species around the world.

Clouds and sky

The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) has announced new investment in a large-scale strategic research programme on Reducing Uncertainties in Climate Models from Clouds.

Image of the Earth from space.

A new study has produced a detailed estimation for when there was enough oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere to support large land-based life, such as dinosaurs and eventually humans.