
Results 471 to 475 of 496 in all schools for climate

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The role volcanic activity played in mass extinction events in the Earth’s early history is likely to have been much less severe than previously thought, according to a study led by Dr. Anja Schmidt.

The Quaternary Research Association has awarded the Lewis Penny medal to Dr Graeme Swindles in the School of Geography at the University of Leeds.

Diverse ecological communities of Amazonia play a crucial role in the maintenance of the biosphere.

A study, by ICAS scientists, has shown for the first time that phytoplankton (plant life) in remote ocean regions can contribute to rare airborne particles that trigger ice formation in clouds.

Africa's second largest market, Kumasi, Ghana. Credit: Alex Roberts

New research by European and African scientists, including a team from ICAS, warns of the risks posed by the increasing air pollution over the cities of West Africa.