Holly Addis

Holly Addis


I am PhD student in the School of Geography at University of Leeds. The title of my project is “Large-scale developmental dynamics of northern peatlands,” and this is funded through the NERC Panorama DTP. The focus of my project is to investigate the timing and mechanisms of northern peat initiation and the factors that influence the fen-to-bog transition. I am interested in palaeoenvironmental change, including the use of field and laboratory work, to identify peatland dynamics past and present.

Prior to starting my PhD in 2024, I completed a BSc Physical Geography (2016) and MSc Environmental Change, Impact and Adaptation (2017), both at Aberystwyth University. During my MSc, I analysed land-use changes in the Cambridgeshire fens and the implications for peat sequestration, microbial respiration and decomposition. Following my MSc, I spent several years working in environmental education. I also held three research assistant roles in leading research groups, in which I used palaeoecological techniques to analyse Tropical and Arctic peat cores. I have also worked on research projects assessing the sustainability and restoration of UK lowland agricultural peats.

Research interests


Palaeoenvironmental change


  • MSc Environmental Change, Impact and Adaptation, Aberystwyth University (2017)
  • BSc Physical Geography, Aberystwyth University (2016)