US and Europe behind vast majority of global ecological damage
Groundbreaking report is first to assign responsibility for damage caused by 160 countries in past 50 years
“Tree of life” could help slow climate change
Changing the way fruit is gathered from a “tree of life” could have hugely positive environmental and financial impacts in Amazonia, according to a new study.
Private protected areas help conserve overlooked and threatened regions
New research shows that private protected areas help conserve underrepresented biomes and highly threatened regions.
Why wool matters
Experts in the field of land management and carbon sequestration highlight wool’s unique properties and the positive pastoral contribution sheep can make to the continued wellbeing of the planet.
Halving emissions by 2030 can keep 1.5°C within reach
Without significant increases in the speed and ambition of climate action, limiting global warming to 1.5°C will be beyond reach, according to a major international report published today.