COP26 Fellowship for second Leeds researcher
A Leeds researcher has been awarded a Fellowship in Agriculture and Climate Change to engage with the international climate negotiations in the run up to and beyond COP26.
Climate change widespread, rapid, and intensifying, major report finds
Changes in the Earth’s climate caused by human activity are being observed in every region and across the whole climate system, according to a major international report released today.
How can governments incentivise climate prevention at home?
Global climate policy must push energy demand in buildings towards zero – and money-based incentives could successfully influence energy-saving behaviour, according to a new study.
When love is in the air...
Researchers are asking everybody across the UK to help survey one of the most amazing phenomena in the insect world – when millions of ants take to the air for their nuptial flight.
Introducing the Place-Based Carbon Calculator
Researchers at the Institute for Transport Studies have developed the Place-Based Carbon Calculator – a free online tool that maps the carbon footprint of every neighbourhood in England.