Clean water and sanitation in Pakistan
Congratulations to Dr Hifza Rasheed, a PhD alum (2018) who was nominated as a finalist in the Professional Achievement category of the British Council Awards in Pakistan earlier this year.
New funding for the Markets 4 People research team
Dr Myfanwy Taylor and members of the Markets 4 People (M4P) research team, led by Dr Sara Gonzalez, are to receive £15,000 in funding from the ESRC Impact Acceleration Accounts.
Shining a light on international energy inequality
A new study has found extreme disparity in the use of energy among richer and poorer people - both within countries and between them.
Tropical forests’ carbon sink 'already rapidly weakening'
The ability of the world’s tropical forests to remove carbon from the atmosphere is decreasing, according to a study tracking 300,000 trees over 30 years, published today in Nature.
Global Species Loss Could Be Halved By Conserving 30% of Tropical Lands
Extinction risk could decrease by more than 50% if at least 30% of land is conserved across the tropics, reveals a new study.