
Results 246 to 250 of 483 in Research and innovation

Screengrab images from the Why Wool Matters documentary: King Charles III, left, and sheep in a field.
Stills taken from Youtube/Campaign for Wool

Why Wool Matters has been awarded Best Fashion Documentary at the 2022 London Fashion Film Festival.

Image of a weather radar

The University of Leeds' prestigious membership of the Met Office Academic Partnership (MOAP) will continue, welcoming the Universities of Edinburgh and Birmingham.

Sentinel 1: image credit European Space Agency 2021

The European Space Agency (ESA) has chosen the Harmony research mission for implementation, which will provide a wealth of new data about our oceans, ice, earthquakes and volcanoes. 

Dr Robin Lovelace

Dr Robin Lovelace, a data scientist and Lead Developer of the Propensity to Cycle Tool, has been appointed as Active Travel England’s Interim Director of Data and Analysis.

Rainforest in Panama

Global warming is likely to cause a decline in the number of species of microbes that live in tropical soils - and that could threaten the biodiversity of rainforests and increase carbon emissions.