Akpewe M. Eroh
- Email: scame@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Single and Multiphase Properties of the Mercia Mudstone: Implication for CO2 Storage and Radioactive waste Disposal
- Supervisors: Professor Quentin Fisher, Professor Paul Glover
I am a doctoral candidate at the University of Leeds. I have a bachelor’s degree in physics (with electronics) from the University of Port Harcourt in 2008, and a master degree in engineering control systems and instrumentation in 2017 from the University of Huddersfield. Back home in my country I am an academic staff member in a tertiary institution, where I have worked for over eight year as a physics lecturer.
Research interests
My research interest is on single and multiphase fluid flow properties in geological formations (caprocks). My research focuses on assessing the integrity and sealing efficiency of the Mercia mudstone and sherwood sandstone in the UK as targeted sites for CO2 storage and disposal of radioactive waste, using a combination of laboratory experiments and numerical modeling.
- BSc. Physics: University of Port Harcourt 2008
- MSc. Engineering Control Systems and Instrumentation: University of Huddersfield 2017
Research groups and institutes
- Institute of Applied Geoscience