Jonathan Carrivick
- Position: Academic
- Email: J.L.Carrivick@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 3324
- Location: 10.04 Garstang
- Website: Googlescholar | Researchgate | ORCID
My research interests focus on earth surface processes and landforms in polar, arctic and alpine environments. I especially focus on the processes and products of glacial outburst floods or 'jökulhlaups'.
PhD Supervision
I welcome PhD applications, especially those self-funding and from overseas (international) in the following areas:
- Glacier outburst floods or ‘jökulhlaups’
- Outburst floods
- Glacier lakes
- Arctic or alpine hydrology
- Glacial geomorphology
- Proglacial geomorphology
- Reconstruction of glacier geometry
- Arctic or alpine earth surface processes
Research students (PhD)
- Isaac Dawson (2023 – 2027). NERC-funded. ‘proglacial systems of Jostedalsbreen, Norway’
- Connie Harper (2023 – 2027). NERC-funded. ‘ice-marginal lake – glacier interactions’
- Alex Scoffield (2021 – 2025). NERC-funded. ‘ice-marginal lake effects on Himalayan glaciers’
- Chris Stringer (2020 – 2024). NERC-funded. ‘proglacial landscapes across Antarctica’
- Michael Grimes (2018 - 2022). NERC-funded. 'proglacial landscapes across Greenland'
- Saman Hashemi (2018 - 2022). EU-ITN EUROFLOW. 'good ecological potential in managed rivers'
- Eleanor Pearson (2016 - 2020). NERC-CASE with JBA. 'sediment trasnport in Natural Flood Management'
- Jenna Sutherland (2016 - 2020). NERC-funded. 'Ice-marginal lakes in New Zealand during the LGM'
- Lawrence Eagle (2015 - 2019). Uni of Leeds (LARS) funded. 'evolution of stream ecology with deglaciation'.
- Sarah Fell (2015 - 2019). NERC-funded. 'food web structure and activity in reaction to deglaciation in alpine streams'.
- Steve Parry (2014 - 2018). Self-funded/BGS-funded. 'Landslides and deglaciation'.
- Owen King (2014 - 2018). NERC-funded. 'Glacier changes in the Nepal Himilaya'.
- C. Scott Watson (2014 - 2018). 'Supraglacial lake evolution in the Nepal Himalaya'.
- Janet Richardson (2013 - 2016). Uni of Leeds funded. 'Landscape development in South Africa'.
- Will James (2012 - 2016). NERC-funded. 'Geomorphometrics of glaciers in the Southern Alps, New Zealand'.
- Joseph Mallalieu (2012 - 2020). Teaching Fellowship. 'ice-contact lake - glacier interactions in west Greenland'.
- Simon Desmet (2012 - 2015). NERC-CASE. 'Pollution transfer during reservoir releases'.
- Chris Williams (2009 - 2013). NERC-funded. 'Glacial mass balance changes at a small arctic glacier.'
- Kate Staines (2008 - 2012). NERC-funded. 'Landscape responses to glacial outburst floods.'
- Neil Dickson (2007 - 2011). NERC-funded. 'Proglacial river and ecosystem dynamics.'
Reseach Students (MRes)
- Daniel Turnbull (2022 - 2023). self-funded. ‘Terminus environment effects on Patagonia glacier changes’
- Mia Macfee (2022 - 2023). self-funded. ‘Snow-line mapping in the S. Hemisphere’
- Morwenna Davies (2020 - 2021). self-funded. 'LIA glaciers in northern Peru.'
- Hugo Armstrong (2020 - 2021). self-funded. 'LIA glaciers in western Greenland.'
- Ethan Lee (2019 – 2020). self-funded. ‘LIA glaciers across the Himalaya’
- Technical Services
Research interests
Student education
Level 2
- SOEE3515 (module convenor)
- G2015 Career Skills (module convenor)
- G2080 Earth Surface Processes (50% contribution)
- G2095 tutorials
Level 3
- G3669 The Cryosphere (50 % time)
- G3600 Dissertation