Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
Catherine duffy profile Catherine Duffy Geography BA (Industrial) British
Image of final year undergraduate student Elinor Sullivan standing by the sea. Elinor Sullivan Geography BSc with Industrial Year British
Georgia Chorlton, BA Geography student at graduation Georgia Chorlton BA Geography British
Katie tse Katie Tse Geography
Case study Geography with Transport studies Ned Gilfoyle Geography with Transport Studies BA British
Rachel Bridges Rachel Bridges BSc Geography
Rane Geography BA Rane Lucido Geography BA British
geography alumni Ryan Bell BSc Geography (Industrial)
Ryan pigott Geog and Env maths student on Austrian fieldtrip Ryan Pigott Geography with Environmental Mathematics BSc British
Samantha Brear BA Geography
The Amazon rainforest Sarah Finnegan BSc Geography (Industrial)
Capture 5 Sarah Johns BSc Geography (International)
Sofie Geography with Transport BA profile Sofie Wimble Geography with Transport Studies BA British
Stella Ferguson sat on a bench Stella Ferguson BSc Geography (Industrial)
Tom Flower Tom Flower Geography BA with Industrial year British
Image of Zara Singh Zara Singh Economics and Geography (Industrial) BA British