The diverse, women-led collaboration sparking innovation in water research

The partnership between water@leeds and Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico is expanding, with a focus on knowledge exchange and opportunities for early career researchers.
In February this year, University of Leeds researchers visited Tecnológico de Monterrey (Tec) in Mexico for an interdisciplinary water collaborative event.
It followed a successful visit by Tec delegates to the University of Leeds last year.
The partnership between water@leeds and Tec addresses research and innovation challenges on themes including:
- Water pollution monitoring
- BioResource recovery
- Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from waterbodies
- Water quality and artificial intelligence.
It has a focus on research culture, knowledge exchange and widening participation.
Interdisciplinary Water Collaborative at Tecnológico de Monterrey
The water@leeds delegates included Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez, Susannah Hopson, Josie South, Alejandra Zazueta Lopez, Taylor Maavara, Danielle Robinson, Franja Prosenc and Amrie Singh.
They explored and strengthened partnership opportunities with Mexican and Latin American Universities to expand their network and work towards water related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The visit included alum community engagement, visits to Tec’s facilities (Innovaction GYM and Water Centre) and the first Mexico-United Kingdom Dialogue on Higher Education hosted by the British Council Mexico and National Association of Universities and Higher Education Institutions (ANUIES).
Then, participants joined Water Connect, an interactive two-day knowledge exchange workshop organised by water@leeds in collaboration with the Sustainability and Climate Change Laboratory.
Knowledge exchange and co-production
The knowledge exchange and interactive events at Tec resulted in an early career researcher working group and co-produced research ideas to influence SDG delivery and global policy.
Knowledge exchange is essential to identify and produce solutions to urgent challenges in water.
Tec shared its technology expertise among others, while water@leeds discussed its practices of engaging the public in research, for example, by training citizen scientists.
water@leeds and Tec have collaborated since the 2023, when they were connected through the British Embassy in Mexico.
Last year, delegates from Tec visited the University of Leeds where researchers exchanged knowledge, built community and shared research ideas and methods.
Since then, water collaborative researchers have published a paper about the importance of efective water quality communication.
water@leeds and Tec staff co-supervise three PhDs, providing opportunities for next-generation researchers. Fair Open Research and Knowledge Equity principles are embedded throughout the partnership.
The latest visit shows the growth and potential of the ongoing collaboration. It continues to expand its network, support researchers at different career stages and create solutions to urgent global challenges in water.