Alumni Event: Vancouver, January 2018
In late January 2018, here was an informal social event in Vancouver involving 18 current and former staff, students, alumni and friends who were all attending the Vancouver Exploration Roundup.
Cause of long standing error in climate models finally identified
Current Global Climate models currently simulate clouds reflecting far less solar radiation than real life observations in the Southern Ocean.
Integrating citizens into Europe's clean energy transition
SRI's Steve Hall and Mark Davis have secured three years of EU Horizon 2020 research funding to explore how energy “prosumerism” can help to build a more sustainable future.
Power the smart electric buses of the future
The University of Leeds is part of a new project researching how electric buses can help support the power network by using two directional charging.
Rethink on energy charging could reduce bills for 70% of households
Researchers have found that 70% of UK households would be better off if costs of government energy policy were removed from gas and electricity bills and applied according to household income.