
Results 381 to 385 of 509 in School of Earth and Environment

Event Venue: Devonshire Hall, Cumberland Road, Leeds

The deadline for the call for abstracts for the 13th Corporate Responsibility Research Conference (CRRC) has been extended to 25th May.

Dr Adam Booth will serve as a Co-Investigator of a collaborative research project Thwaites Interdisciplinary Margin Evolution (TIME) involving eleven US and UK scientists.

The University of Leeds campus

The University has climbed up the Complete University Guide once again and secures its position in the top 20.

People bike through Leeds on morning commute.

Sustainability is the ability to maintain an activity without harm to, or depletion of, environmental, social or economic resources – and it’s something the University of Leeds takes seriously.

UNESCO and UniTwin logos

Sustainability is the ability to maintain an activity without harm to, or depletion of, environmental, social or economic resources – and it’s something the University of Leeds takes seriously.