
Results 501 to 505 of 639 in Faculty of Environment

Image of a cargo ship

Nearly half the UK’s carbon footprint comes from emissions released overseas to satisfy UK-based consumption, according to a new report.


Leeds Institute for Data Analytics (LIDA) is providing a powerful new covid-19 data alliance with secure infrastructure, scientific expertise and access to global academic research networks.

Image of a windfarm

A new international alliance of universities has been established to help communicate research on the most effective means to meet the urgent global challenge of the climate crisis.

Image credits: Hamish Pritchard and Professor Andrew Shepherd

Greenland and Antarctica are losing ice faster than in the 1990s and are both tracking the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s worst-case climate warming scenario.

Hifza Rasheed PhD

Congratulations to Dr Hifza Rasheed, a PhD alum (2018) who was nominated as a finalist in the Professional Achievement category of the British Council Awards in Pakistan earlier this year.