
Results 601 to 605 of 642 in Faculty of Environment

Dr Natasha Barlow has been awarded an ERC starting grant, for a project titled ‘Rates of Interglacial Sea-level Change, and Responses' (RISeR).

global funding success

The University of Leeds has been ranked in the top three UK universities for global funding success, according to new data from Research Fortnight.

Evolution early animals

Some 520-540 million years ago, animals began to inhabit the seafloor, and this drastically changed the global environment.

Arctic Ocean Ecosystem

Scientists from the University of Leeds are among a team of researchers making a return voyage to the Barents Sea to carry out research on how climate change is affecting the Arctic Ocean ecosystem.


Scientists have measured the nutritional value of herbivore dinosaurs’ diet by growing their food in atmospheric conditions similar to those found roughly 150 million years ago.