
Results 596 to 600 of 642 in Faculty of Environment

Image of drought

An extensive study on the effects of warmer springs on plant growth in northern regions shows substantially reduced plant productivity in later months.

A portrait of Izy Hossack & Anwesha Sarkar.

Food Science and Nutrition student Izy Hossack, and Associate Professor of Food Colloids Dr Anwesha Sarkar have been recognised by the Women of Achievement Roll of Honour 2018.

Amazon river

A recent study of more than 100 years of river level records from the Amazon shows a significant increase in frequency and severity of floods.

Nitrogen fixing trees

A new study gives insight into the prevalence of nitrogen-fixing trees in tropical rainforests and calls into question previous hypotheses for why they are much more abundant than in temperate forests

New map of Antarctica

A new map of Antarctica, available to download from today, is providing the most accurate three-dimensional view of the continent to date.