New advice on how to safeguard our food against extreme weather
A new report recognises the necessity for farming to adjust to climate changes, to adapt and strengthen against extreme weather whilst improving production to address the world’s growing need for food
How plankton help control clouds over the world's most remote oceans
Dan Grosvenor, from the Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science, has written for 'The Conversation'.
Cool summer of 2013 boosted Arctic sea ice
The volume of Arctic sea ice increased by a third after the summer of 2013 as unusually cool air temperatures prevented the ice from melting, according to University of Leeds and UCL scientists.
Severe ozone depletion avoided
We are already reaping the rewards of the Montreal Protocol, with the ozone layer in much better shape than it would have been without the UN treaty, according to a new study in Nature Communications.
Mission to rule the winds
The NCAS Lidar “Flossy” has been helping a European Space Agency (ESA) Earth Explorer Core Mission, ADM-Aerolus.