
Results 16 to 20 of 42 in Sustainability Research Institute

An image of deforestation, cut down tree trunks cover the ground.

The global food system could drive rapid and widespread biodiversity loss if not changed, new research has found.

Images of wind turbines

Global energy consumption in 2050 could be reduced to the levels of the 1960s and still provide a decent standard of living for a population three times larger, according to a new study.

Image of a cargo ship

Nearly half the UK’s carbon footprint comes from emissions released overseas to satisfy UK-based consumption, according to a new report.

Image of Mumbai. 

Copyright: Unequal Scenes, @johnny_miller_photography

A new study has found extreme disparity in the use of energy among richer and poorer people - both within countries and between them.

Image of Leeds skyline

A new report sets out how Leeds could become a carbon neutral city by 2050 – and potentially by 2030.