
Results 51 to 55 of 62 in all schools for glacier

Glaciologists from the University of Leeds in the Himalayas.

School of Geography glaciologists are set to return to the Himalayas, a year on from a successful mission to drill through the world’s highest glacier.

Dr Adam Booth will serve as a Co-Investigator of a collaborative research project Thwaites Interdisciplinary Margin Evolution (TIME) involving eleven US and UK scientists.

European Copernicus Sentinel-1 Satellite image

A new project launched by the Institute for Research in Schools (IRIS) is offering students the chance to contribute to scientific understanding of the polar regions.

Image of an iceberg

Antarctica’s great ice sheet is losing ground as it is eroded by warm ocean water circulating beneath its floating edge, a new study has found.

Ecdyonurus larva moult. Credit: Liam Marsh

River invertebrates react the same way to decreasing glacier cover wherever in the world they are, say scientists.