
Results 671 to 675 of 1069 in all schools

Avoiding fossil fuel 'lock-in' could help limit global temperature rise

New research suggests there is a 64% chance of limiting the increase in global average temperatures to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels if fossil fuel infrastructure is immediately phased out.

Professor Stephen Mobbs

Important scientific contributions in the field of meteorology have resulted in a University-based academic being recognised in The Queen’s New Year Honours.

Fall Colours

A recently completed study By Rob Chapman and Dave Banks facilitated by a £40k grant from Geoscience BC was the subject of a press release in Vancouver.

Photo of Helen Durham, Ian Philips and Andy Newing

Three academics from the Faculty of Environment have been awarded Fellowships from the Higher Education Academy.

Prof Hodgson been awarded Perce Allen award

Professor David Hodgson has been awarded the British Sedimentological Research Group (BSRG) Perce Allen Award.