
Results 481 to 485 of 522 in School of Earth and Environment

Two studies published in Nature this week outline exciting breakthroughs in our understanding of how aerosol particles are formed in the atmosphere.

Dr David Banks opens new laboratories at Pamukkale University, Turkey.

IGT member, Dr. David Banks has been involved with the opening of new laboratories for Fluid Inclusion and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) research at Pamukkale University, Turkey.

Centre for Polar Observation & Modelling has launched the ice sheet outlet glacier velocity service using satellite data.

Athena Swan Bronze Award logo

The Faculty of Environment has been awarded the Athena SWAN bronze award for our work on advancing gender equality across the three schools.

PhD student, Maha Alsabbagh, of University of Leeds

The programme aims to encourage women to participate in science in the Middle East. The grant is awarded annually to women working in science in recognition of their achievements in the field.