Dr John Nellthorp
- Position: Senior Research Fellow
- Areas of expertise: Economic analysis; spatial economic modelling; stated preference; hedonic pricing; valuation; user benefits; externalities; quality of life; CBA
- Email: J.Nellthorp@its.leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 6613
- Location: Room G.02 Institute for Transport Studies (34-40 University Road)
Key Research Interests
- Measurement and valuation of individual response to transport improvements
- Revealed preference analysis, hedonic pricing
- User benefits, including reliability, security and health
- Externalities: noise, local environment and quality of life
- Land value and economy impacts
- Policy analysis using choice experiments, regional models and CBA
Employment History
- Senior Research Fellow, ITS, University of Leeds (current)
- 1999-2001 Research Fellow, ITS, University of Leeds
- 1996-1999 Research Officer, ITS, University of Leeds
- 1994-6 Assistant Economist, Halcrow Fox and Associates, Edinburgh
- 1990 Statistical Assistant, The Henley Centre for Forecasting, London
- PhD, Political Economy of Transport Investment and Pricing, University of Leeds, 2011
- MA Transport Economics, University of Leeds, 1994
- BA (Hons) Economics, University of Cambridge, 1993
Professional Engagements (examples)
- External peer review panel member (2017-18) on Ex post evaluation of major projects supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (European Commission)
- Business Case Development Manual reviewer for TfL (2016-7)
- Academic Expert on Business Case development for Metrolinx (Toronto) multimodal transport authority (2015)
- Consultancy for Department for Transport, The World Bank, UNECE, TINA Secretariat, European Commission, Eurostar, Highways Agency, RAC Foundation
- Academic adviser to the Welsh and Scottish Governments
- European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT) Round Tables 128 and 135
- Invited Speaker - e.g. People and Place Workshop DfT Sept 2018; National Infrastructure Commission Future Cities, March 2018; European Investment Bank Expert Workshop 'Decision Making on Transport Infrastructure', Belgium, 2012; SONORE Noise/Soundscape Conference Paris, 2010
- Leader: Economic Appraisal and Economic Performance; Transport Investment Appraisal; Rail Investment Appraisal (for Masters & professionals); Project Appraisal (BA/BSc Level 2) - covering transport and energy policy
- Leader: CPD courses for National Audit Office, DfT, Highways England, West Yorkshire PTE, DTTAS (Ireland) and others
- External training for The World Bank and EU in Europe, Africa & US
- Research Group Deputy-Lead - Economics and Appraisal Group
- Course Leader: Transport Investment Appraisal
- Module Leader: Economic Appraisal and Economic Performance; Project Appraisal
Research groups and institutes
- Economics and Appraisal