Working in partnership
Brings together expertise from across the University to develop innovative technologies to design efficient and sustainable cities
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Driving simulator
Our facility is used to study the interaction of drivers and pedestrians with new technologies
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Working in partnership
We collaborate closely with a wide range of organisations to accelerate the creation of innovation solutions to global problems.
Our partners, collaborators and sponsors include: AECOM, ARUP, ATKINS, Department of Transport, European Union, EPSRC, First Group, Highways Agency, Independent Transport Commission, Jaguar LandRover, Leeds City Council, Mott MacDonald, Stantec, Rail Delivery Group, Sheffield Council, The World Bank and WSP.
Research collaboration
We have an expert team which supports our academics to exchange vital knowledge and experience with industry and other organisations.
More on Research collaborationRecruit our students
We provide businesses with access to our talented students through a free end-to-end, managed recruitment service.
More on Recruit our studentsShort courses
We offer a range of short courses that are linked to our research and specifically designed for people in industry.
More on Short coursesResearch and innovation
We are a leading transport research centre worldwide. We deliver internationally excellent research outputs, which impact upon transport policy and practice, and contribute to the wider economy and society. Our research mission is to support the development of intelligent mobility systems that are connected, inclusive, productive and resilient.
Access our facilities
Remote sensing vehicle emissions
Our vehicle emission measurement system senses the tailpipe emissions of vehicles as they drive-through a monitoring site. The instrument scans the exhaust plume trailing a vehicle.
More on Remote sensing vehicle emissionsDriving simulator
The facility consists of a large motion-based driving simulator, an advanced commercial truck simulator, and an immersive pedestrian laboratory.
More on Driving simulatorData analytics
The Leeds Institute for Data Analytics is investing in an infrastructure that will not only meet the requirement for new skills, tools and techniques, but will also reduce the time it takes to translate blue skies thinking to solutions to real problems.
More on Data analytics