Clare Linton
- Course: Integrated MSc / PhD in Low Carbon Technologies
- PhD title: Excess capacity in urban transport – how much is there and how could it be used to reduce CO2 emissions?
- Year of graduation: 2017
- Nationality: British
- Job title: Researcher (Policy)
- Company: Urban Transport Group
What have you been doing since finishing your studies? What are you doing in terms of your career?
I worked part time in my role at the Urban Transport Group while I was writing up my PhD so I've been in my current job for almost 18 months.
What company are you working for, what is your role and what does it involve?
I work for the Urban Transport Group, which brings together and promotes the interests of Britain's largest urban areas on transport. I am a researcher for working across a range of transport policy areas, from urban freight to transport and health, social inclusion and smart transport futures. In addition, I support our extensive professional network through attending and organising meetings. I have represented UTG at a range of events, including the political party conferences and industry events.
What experiences at Leeds do you think have particularly helped with your career/ will help with your future career?
I think the taught modules, Traffic Network Modelling and Analysing Transport and Society, I undertook in Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) as well as the wider seminar programme, gave me a good understanding of the issues and challenges in transport and research approaches to examining these.
Looking back, why did you choose to study your particular course and why did you choose the University of Leeds?
I chose to study my course because my MSc in Climate Change and Policy from the University of Sussex had given me a good grounding in the science and policy of sustainability. And I wanted to understand the technical aspects of sustainability in more detail and have the opportunity to do more extended research in the area, the integrated MSc / PhD in Low Carbon Technologies offered that opportunity. I didn’t start out with a specific interest in transport but undertaking a ‘mini-project’ with Dr James Tate in my first year demonstrated to me the potential for interesting PhD research projects looking at sustainability in transport and hence I developed my research in this area.
What was the best aspect of the course/the University and why? Any highlights?
The diverse and rich research environment within ITS offers an exciting community in which to undertake transport research.
What would you say to students thinking about studying the same course at Leeds/thinking about the same career?
Transport is connected to so many public policy goals, from improving the environment to delivering more inclusive and healthy societies. Working in transport offers a rewarding and exciting career path, with the opportunity to make a real difference in the world.