Muhammad Adnan
- Course: PhD in Transport Modelling
- PhD title: Development of a combined activity scheduling model for tours
- Year of graduation: 2010
- Nationality: Pakistani
- Job title: Associate Professor
- Company: Department of Urban and Infrastructure Engineering, Nadirshaw Eduljee Dinshaw (NED) University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi
I am currently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Urban and Infrastructure Engineering of NED University of Engineering and Technology. I am heavily involved in teaching undergraduate and Master’s level courses to students (e.g. Urban Mass Transportation, Traffic Engineering, Probability and Statistics, Transport Planning and Operations). Along with teaching, I supervise Masters and final year undergraduate dissertations/thesis’. Additionally, I am a Principal Investigator for a nationally funded research project titled as “Incorporation of traffic heterogeneity in capacity analysis of multi-lane urban arterials of Karachi through the development of simulation model”. Furthermore, I am actively involved in various other departmental research projects which are funded from American and Pakistani educational agencies. These projects are related with the theme of road safety and intelligent transport systems.
At ITS I had spent around 3.5 years for pursuing my PhD study. During this time, I had the opportunity to learn several research-related skills required for a successful researcher. Furthermore, the learning is not only limited to reading, writing, and analytical development but ITS provided a chance to showcase research outputs to a larger audience through participation in various esteemed transport conferences e.g. UTSG, TRB, DTA 2006, and 2008. In addition to this, the ITS internal/external seminar series helped increase my overall understanding of various research dimensions within the field of Transport. These skills helped me to earn a good position and rank in my home university, where I resumed my duties after finishing my PhD. The research experience I have gained in ITS has rewarded me by the cutting- edge research outputs I have made (i.e. reports, proposals and publications). As an academician, these are my assets which I believe have long-lasting effects on my career. Recently I was promoted from my last position in the department from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor.
I chose my course at ITS because I had not seen or come across such a strong research-oriented Institute in any part of the world which is dedicated to transport studies. Furthermore, the strength of the faculty in terms of their research work is outstanding as this institute is housing big names who have pioneered various aspects of transportation research.
My advice for new students who want to be a professionals /academicians and researchers in the area of transportation is that ITS provides all the ingredients in a perfect ratio to equip you with the required skills to excel your career.