Professor Peter Bonsall


Research Grants and Contracts (as director or project manager unless stated otherwise)

    1972-74   Construction of simulation model of air traffic control systems, production of software for freight vehicle routing and scheduling, programming of statistical packages (as Programmer) (Eurocontrol)

    1974-76   Transport modelling; assignment algorithms, evaluation, policy testing, sensitivity analysis, graphical display of outputs  (as Research Assistant) (SERC)

         1976-79   Microsimulation of car sharing schemes, stated intention surveys, Monte Carlo sampling, policy simulations (as Research Officer) (TRRL).

    1979-81   Organisation and monitoring of car sharing schemes (SERC)

    1981-84    Building a model of car park choice (SERC)

    1982-86    Monitoring the impact of video teleconferencing on the demand for travel (British Telecom)

    1983-84    Monitoring the interaction between communications and travel (SERC)

    1983-84    Organisation of transport functions in metropolitan areas (WYMCC)

    1983-84    Drivers' route choice in congested urban networks (SERC)

    1983-86    The role of expert systems in transport (SERC)

    1983-85    Automatic recognition of spoken data (SERC)

    1986‑87    Assessment of hand held data capture devices (SERC)

    1986‑88    Variability and unpredictability of journey times in urban areas (SERC)

    1987‑88    User response to new road capacity (ESRC)

    1987‑90    Community valuation of transport services (ESRC)

    1988‑90    Engineering applications of speech recognition technology (SERC)

    1988        Comparative evaluation methodologies for Berlin's LISB and London's Autoguide (TRRL)

    1988‑90  Travel time variability, route choice and route guidance: research associated with Berlin LISB (SERC)

    1988‑91   Project selection ‑ decision aids (ESRC)

    1989       Examining the feasibility of measuring responses to new highway capacity (TRRL)

    1989-92    Automatic monitoring of vehicle conflicts (SERC)

    1989‑91    Integration of dynamic route guidance and traffic control systems (EU DGXIII DRIVE)

    1989‑92      Fundamental requirements for full scale dynamic route guidance systems (SERC Rolling Programme I)

    1991         Investigation of Dutch drivers' responses to guidance advice (Rijkswaterstaat)

    1992         Assessment of the benefits of route guidance in Berlin (TRL)

    1992-94    Examining the use of Quick-Response models in policy optimisation (SERC)

    1992-94    Modelling and appraisal of route guidance systems (EU DGXIII DRIVE)

    1992-95    Monitoring and Evaluating driver response to roadside variable message signs (EU DGXIII DRIVE)

    1993-95    Fundamental requirements for full scale dynamic route guidance systems (EPSRC Rolling Programme II)

    1993         Analysis of deceleration, accident and driver alertness data (DOT)

    1994         Social Impacts of Transport Policy (EU DGVII)

    1995-96    Surveys of public transport use in London (London Committee on Accessible Transport)

    1996-98    Evaluating driver response to road user charging systems (EPSRC)

    1996-98    Appraisal of route guidance systems (EU DGXIII)                 

    1996-99    Evaluation of Parking Guidance and Information Systems (EPSRC)

    1997       Further development of PLUTO transport planning software (DOT)

    1997       Feasibility of measuring traffic induced by motorways round Manchester (MVA for DOT)

    1998     Specification of behavioural models to assess information provision strategies (TRL for UK Highways Agency)

    1999       Analysis of data on behavioural response to road user charges and workplace parking levies in Leeds (MVA for Leeds City Council and West Yorkshire Metro)

    1999-01    Specialist advice on Traffic, Transportation and Economics (Call-off contracts via Halcrow and WS Atkins for the Highways Agency)      

    2000-03    Equity Implications of Road User Charging (DETR)

    2000-04    Misperceptions of Public Transport (EPSRC)

    2001-02    Specailist Advice on Monitoring the Ten Year Plan (call-off contract via Oscar Faber for the Commission for Integrated Transport) 

    2001-03     Car Sharing and Car Clubs (DTLR and the Motorists’ Forum)

    2002-04     Enhancing the Road Travel Experience (Rees Jeffreys Road Fund)

2002-05     Prediction of E-economy Impacts on Transport (EU DGVII)

2004          Road user Charging – Pricing Structures (DfT)

2005-07    Consumer Response to Pricing Structures (DfT)

2005-08  Optimal Complexity in User Charges (leader of  workpackage within larger project on Infrastructure Pricing)  (EU DGTREN)

2006        The potential role of new technologies in the National travel Survey (DfT)

2006-08   User reaction and efficient differentiation of charges and tolls (EU DGTREN)

2008        Acceptability and Effectiveness of Road charging (as contributor) (TfL)

2008        Soft Factors Affecting the demand for buses (as contributor) (DfT)

2009-11   Improving Local and Regional Connectivity of Long Distance trips (“INTERCONNECT”)  (EU)

2009         Influencing behaviour (DfT)

2010-11   Economics and Carbon benefits of Plug-in vehicles (ETI)



   1981‑82      Consultant to Department of Transport (DOT) on the organisation of car sharing and pooling initiatives

   1983‑84      Commissioned by WYMCC to contribute to an assessment of the provision of transport planning functions in metropolitan areas

   1984‑88     Consultant to NVI (Netherlands) on data capture techniques, surveys and stated preference analyses

   1984‑85    Consultant to Jamieson Mackay on traffic generation aspects of Edinburgh Western Relief Road

   1984‑85    Commissioned author of  the section on parking for the Department of Transports' good practice manual: "Roads and Traffic in Urban Areas"

   1984         Subcontracted contributor to EEC review of community transport initiatives

   1985         Contracted to analyse safety of pedestrian crossings on the Leeds Ring Road

   1986         Contracted to analyse car ownership trends in West Yorkshire

   1987         Contracted by West Yorkshire PTE to analyse attitudes to prepayment on public transport in West Yorkshire

   1988         Contracted to analyse accident potential at traffic signals in Leeds

   1988-91     Advisor to West Yorkshire PTE on survey design and analysis

   1989          Subcontracted to assist in the appraisal of the proposed M74 motorway

   1989-90    Subcontracted  advisor to TRRL project to develop methods of modelling congestion on inter-urban networks

   1989-90    Subcontracted advisor to DOT project to develop revised procedures for before-and-after monitoring of major schemes

   1990-91    Subcontracted advisor to DOT on errors and uncertainties in urban traffic appraisal models

   1990-91    Subcontracted advisor to Dutch Ministry of Transport on car sharing initiatives

   1991-92    Subcontracted contributor to  TRRL’s research agenda for the study of adaptive response to congestion

   1992        Advisor to DOT on appropriate structures for models of road pricing in London

   1992        Contracted supplor of training course on transport policy formulation for Hong Kong Polytechnic

   1992-93    Subcontracted advisor to Dutch Ministry of Transport on car sharing initiatives and on the structure of car pooling models

   1993       Subcontracteed advisor to DoT on behavioural responses to changes in levels of transport service

   1993      Advisor to DOT's Standing Advisory Committee on Trunk Road Assessment on appraisal of evidence on the effect that new roads have on traffic flow

   1993        Contracted to supply training course on transport policy formulation for Melbourne University

   1996      Subcontracted advisor to Western Australia Department of Transport on High Occupancy Vehicle priority measures.

   1997     Subcontracted advisor to Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) on driver response to variable message signs. 

   1997       Advisor to West Yorkshire PTE on passenger survey strategy.

   1998       Subcontractor to DETR on the development of a guide to best practice in the reallocation of highway capacity to other purposes

   1999-00   Advisor to  Highways Agency on Evaluation of Toolkit Measures (Expert Review panel with Professors McDonald and Allsop)

   1999-02   Subcontractor to TRL to provide independent assessment of input to the Highways Agency’s research programme on Understanding Travel Behaviour

   1999       Special advisor to EPSRC project, at Southampton University, assessing the impacts of the petrol crisis of September 2000

  1999     Expert Advisor to consortium led by Halcrow providing advice to SERCO in respect of driver response to messages provided via TCC

  2001-04   Subcontracted by Faber-Maunsell to provide Independent Assessment of input to the Highways Agency’s research programme on Understanding Travel Behaviour

  2002-03    Expert Advisor to Department for Transport on evidence as to the effectiveness of “soft” methods of managing travel demand

  2002-05    Expert Advisor to Mott MacDonald on Highways Agency contract to monitor the effectiveness of Active Traffic Management on the M42 Motorway

  2003         Technical Auditor for the Greek National Travel Observatory

  2004-05   Expert Advisor to National Centre for Social Research on DfT contract to design a local household survey

  2004       Special Advisor to Highways Agency on the specification of the monitoring requirements of the proposed High Occupancy Vehicle Lane on the M1

  2005       Assistance to SDG on issues to be included when monitoring the impacts of a westward extension of the London Congestion Charge Zone

  2005-06   Subcontracted by Ove Arup to assisst with development of a Transport Vision for West Yorkshire (on behalf of West Yorkshire PTE)

  2006      Subcontracted by Atkins to assist in the development on a tool to assist in targeting of public transport marketing effort (on behalf of Greater Manchester PTE)

  2006-08  Contracted to assist Leeds City Region Congestion Partnership in preparation of their bids to the Transport Innovation Fund

  2006-08  Independent auditor of Individual Travel Marketing programmes in Darlington and Peterborough

  2007        Independent reviewer of Liverpool’s City Centre Movement Strategy

  2008        Invited member of  DfT’s expert panel on sustainable travel initiatives

  2008         Advisor to Scottish Government on sustainable travel initiatives

  2010         Advisor to Dutch Government’s study of the Value of Time

  2011-12    Advisor to  EU project “ORIGAMI” on survey issues.



   1977-12    Referee and occasional book reviewer for various journals and publishers (Transportation, Environment and Planning, Transportation Research, Journal of Economics and Policy, Transportation Research Record,  Oxford University Press, VNU Science Press, John Wiley, Transportation Planning and                            Technology, Control  Engineering Practice, Urban Studies, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, Transport  Policy)

  1980         Member International Steering Group for Conference and Travel Behaviour (Oxford 1980)

  1980-98    Member, PTRC Transport Planning Methods Committee (Chairman, 1986-89)

  1982-83   UK Member of International Steering group for 2nd International Conference on Survey Methods in Transport (Hungerford Hill NSW 1983)

  1984-85    Secretary to Universities Transport Study Group

  1985       Expert Witness to Department of Transport's Standing Advisory Committee on Trunk Road Appraisal (on treatment of uncertainty in forecasting).

  1985-90    Academic Observer to the National Travel Survey

  1986-90    Member, Executive Committee of Yorkshire Area Transport Group of the Institution of Civil Engineers.

  1986-91    Chairman of judges for award of Neil Mansfield Prize for best paper at the annual PTRC conference.

        1988      Member of Delphi panel organised by IASA to predict new technological developments in Transport

       1988-89    Member, Scientific Committee of 5th World Conference on Transport Research (Yokohama 1989)

               1989    Expert witness to House of Commons Select Committee on Transport - to speak on forecasting, appraisal and treatment of planning gain

        1989-90    UK Member of International Steering Group for 3rd International Conference on Survey Methods in Transport (Washington DC 1990).

  1989-91    Member, International Steering Group for 6th Conference of the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (Quebec 1991)

  1989-92    Member, Executive Committee of Universities Transport Study Group.

  1990-12     Member, Committee on Travel Behaviour and Values, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC

  1990-12    Referee on research grant applications for SERC (subsequently EPSRC)

  1990-92     Member, Scientific Committee of 6th World Conference on   Transport Research (Lyon 1992)

       1991-94    Member, Scientific Committee Group for 7th Conference of the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (Santiago, 1994).

 1992   Keynote paper on the impact of new information technologies in transport at the 1992 Umwelttechnic, Vienna

 1993    Expert Witness to Department of transport's Standing Advisory Committee on Trunk Road Appraisal (on determination of whether new roads generate traffic).

   1993         Keynote speaker on "Route Choice Research" at Australian Universities annual Conference on Transport Research, Melbourne, Dec 1993

1993-12        Member, Editorial Advisory Board - Transport Research C (Intelligent Vehicle and Highway Systems)

   1993-95    Member, Scientific Committee and Publications Committee of 7th World Conference on Transport Research (Sydney, 1995)         

1995-10     Expert Review for Hong Kong University Grants Committee.

1995         Invited speaker on "Intelligent Transport Systems" in Brisbane, July 1995

1995         Invited speaker on Parking Guidance Systems at ITS Focus Conference in Glasgow, Oct 1995

1995-96    Joint Organiser of 4th International Conference on Survey Methods in Transport (Steeple Aston, 1996).

   1996- 98     Member, Manchester Motorway Box Advisory Committee (Department of Transport)

 1996-97    Member, Scientific Committee of 8th Conference of the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (Austin, 1997).

 1996-98   Vice Chairman, Scientific Committee of 8th World Conference onTransport Research (Antwerp, 1998).

   1997        Chairman, expert round table on the impacts of highway capacity reductions (for DETR and London Transport)

   1997        Invited speaker on Road Pricing at the Institute of Economic Affairs (Oct 1997), 

 1997-99    Member, Transport Taskforce for Leeds City Council’s Vision for Leeds

 1998         Invited speaker on Road Pricing at  a  CIT conference in London (May 1998) and at a CIT meeting in Leeds (Oct 1998)

 1998         Invited speaker at Trans Pennine Strategic Environmental Study Public Consultation, Huddersfield, Sept 1998

 1998        Invited speaker at DETR/TRF conference on  ‘Transport’s New Deal: the research we need to achieve it’                              London,  Nov 1998

 1998         Invited speaker on Highway Capacity Reallocation  at The Transport Economists Group meeting in London, Dec                 1998

 1998-00    Member, Scientific Committee for 9th Conference of the International Association for Travel Behaviour                             Research (Queensland, 2000)

 1998-01  Vice Chairman, Scientific Committee of 9th World Conference on Transport Research (Seoul 2001)

 1999        Invited speaker on road pricing at ICE meeting on “Breaking the Logjam” London, Jan 1999

 1999        Lecture tour of Japan, lectures for Universities of Tokyo, Kyoto and Ehime and for the VERTIS organisation on ‘The design and validsation of route-choice simulators’, ‘Parking choice modelling’  and  ‘Transport telematics evalyuation in the European Union’ 

 1999        Invited speaker on ‘Road pricing:drivers’ dream or nightmare?’ at the Seventh Focus Conference, DERA, Great Malvern      

 1999       Member, DETR/EPSRC Programme Advisory Group for Future Integrated Transport

 1999       Invited keynote speaker on ‘The UK’s’ Transport White Paper – Achieving Modal Shift’ at the Institute for Transport Policy Studies, Tokyo

 1999-02  Member Scientific Committee for Second and Third International Conferences on Traffic and Transportation Studies (ICTTS)  (Beijing, July 2000 and July 2002)

 2001      Invited speaker at workshop on Traveller Behaviour in Networks (Bonn, December 2001)

2001-04  Member, Steering Group of the World Conference on Transport Research Society – responsibility for financial strategy

2002-08   Specialist reviewer for Australian Research Council

2002     Invited Speaker at Anglo-Irish Encounter Group Special Meeting on transport policy (Liverpool, April 2002)

2002    Specialist Reviewer for Irish Higher Education Council

2002    Invited Speaker at EMTA conference on ‘Transport and Land use policies – lessons for Public Authorities’ (Frankfurt, Oct 2002)

2002    Invited Speaker on ‘Long term Transport Planning Objectives for Leeds’ – Leeds Initiative, (Leeds, December 2002)

2002    Invited Speaker at First International Urban Traffic Broadcasting Forum (Beijing, December 2002)

2002-04     Member Scientific Committee for fourth and fifth International Conferences on Traffic and Transportation Studies (ICTTS)  (Guelin July 2003, Dalian Aug 2004)

2003          Invited Speaker at Eirass conference on ‘User Response to ITS’, Delft, April 2003

2003        Invited Speaker at conference on ‘Understanding the Transport User’, London  July 2003

2004        Invited Speaker on ‘Quality Surveys’ at Seventh International Conference on Survey Methods in Transport, Costa Rica, August 2004

2004        Invited Speaker on “Survey Standards” at a meeting of the Transport Statistics User Group, London, November  2004

2005        Invited presentation at First International Conference on Ethics in Transportation Research, KTH , Stockholm

2006        Invited presentation to World Bank on Transport Research priorities (Washington,  January, 2006)

2008       Invited presentation on “Problems to be Overcome when Seeking Data on Sustainable Travel Behaviour” at  International Conference on survey methods in Transport, Annecy, France

2008       Invited speaker on “The impact of technology on travel choices” at ESRC-TSB seminar on Mapping the                   Public policy landscape- Moving People More Intelligently, London October 2008

2008-10 UK representative for COST action TU0804

2009       Invited presentation on “Problems to be Overcome when Seeking Data on Sustainable Travel Behaviour” at  US TRB, Washington DC Jan 2009

2009     Invited presentation on “Equity Issues in transport financing in the UK and elsewhere in Europe” at special TRB symposium on Equity issues in Transport Financing, Washington DC Sept 2009

2011     Expert Witness to House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology enquiry on promotion of  behavioural change. Feb 2011

2011     Invited presentation to Manchester University’s “researching Mobilities” group, March 2011.


COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT (as transport specialist acting pro-bono)


2013-       Advisor to NWLTF (North West Leeds Transport Forum)

2014         NWLTF’s Expert Witness at Public Inquiry into proposed Leeds Trolleybus Scheme (also lead the technical cross-examination of the Applicants’ Expert Witnesses)

2015         Lead the preparation, on behalf of NWLTF, of a discussion document outlining an alternative strategy for investment in transport

2016         Inivited participant in Leeds City Council’s “Transport Summit”

2016         Invited witness giving evidence to Leeds City Council’s Scrutiny Panel Inquiry on “Lessons to be learned from the Trolleybus Inquiry”

2018         Lead the preparation, on behalf of NWLTF, of alternative plans for the alleviation of transport problems in the A660 Corridor and of the NWLTF response to plans for the corridor produced by Leeds City Council.

       2018         Invited consultee on West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Connectivity Strategy

Research interests

Analysis of traveller choice (emphasis on modelling techniques and procedures for forecasting demand)

Impact of new technologies in Transport (emphasis on behavioural response)

Innovative methods of data collection

Bias in data collection

New priorities in transport planning

<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Any research projects I'm currently working on will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>