Professor Joyce Dargay

Professor Joyce Dargay


Key Research Interests

  • Transport demand modelling
  • Policy analysis
  • Environmental issues
  • Travel behaviour
  • Energy demand modelling

Employment History

  • 2004-05: Principal Research Fellow, Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford
  • 1996-04: Principal Research Fellow and Deputy Director of the Economic and Social Research Council's Transport Studies Unit, Centre for Transport Studies, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UCL
  • 1993-96: Senior Research Fellow, Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford
  • 1988-92: Research Fellow, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, Oxford and Energy Research Fellow, St. Antony's College, University of Oxford.
  • 1986-87: Research Fellow, Department of Economics, Uppsala University, Sweden.
  • 1977-86: Research Fellow, Energy Systems Research Group, Department of Economics, University of Stockholm, Sweden.
  • 1981-83: Visiting Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research, New York.
  • 1981-82: Research Associate, Industrial Institute for Economic and Social Research, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • 1981-82: Research Assistant, Institute for International Economic Studies, University of Stockholm, Sweden.


  • B.Sc. in Mathematics (1971), Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pa., USA
  • Ph.D. in Economics (1987), Uppsala University, Sweden

Professional Engagements

  • Management Committee, ESF COST Action 355; “Changing behaviour towards a more sustainable transport system” (2004- )
  • Chair, Working Group on the Automobile, ESF COST Action 355 (2004- )

Research Projects and Experience

  • Ministry of Industry, Sweden, expert advice to Energy Commission: Energy price elasticities and the distributional effects of energy price rises (1977-78)
  • Ministry of Industry, Sweden, Secretary to the Working Group on the Effects on Private Households, Commission on the Consequences of Abolishing Nuclear Power (1979)
  • Ministry of Housing, Sweden, expert advice to Energy Conservation Delegation: Effects of prices and information on residential energy use (1980)
  • Ministry of the Budget, Sweden, expert advice to Energy Taxation Committee: Effects of alternative energy taxation systems on income distribution (1981)
  • Swedish Board of Energy: The demand for energy in the transport sector (1984)
  • Greater Manchester Transport Executive: Distribution of government grants for public transport (1992)
  • South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive: Price sensitivity of concessionary fares passengers (1993)
  • Atlantic Richfield Oil Company: Price elasticities of oil demand in the OECD and LDCs (1994)
  • CRESET, Bogata, Colombia: Competitiveness of Colombian oil on the international market (1994)
  • Union Railways Ltd.: Review of forecasts for the Channel Tunnel Rail Link (1995)
  • Ministry of Trade and Industry, Finland: expert advice on planning survey and analysis of bus use (1995)
  • Ministry of Transport and Communications, Finland: the effects of travel subsidies on bus use in Finnish urban areas (1995-96)
  • Royal Automobile Club (RAC) Foundation for Motoring and the Environment: Investigation into the factors contributing to car dependence (1995)
  • South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive and Department of Transport, UK: Supertram monitoring study (1996-97)
  • ESRC Designated Research Centre award (deputy director of centre, grant holder PB Goodwin; lead responsibility for modelling and analytical work within the programme) (1994 - 2004)
  • Department of the Environment: Development of a model for the analysis of the impacts of environmental policies on greenhouse gas emissions from the UK transport sector (collaborators: J. Dodgson, C. Holman, P. Goodwin, R. Mackett and P. Vythoulkas), project manager and principal investigator (1996)
  • DETR: Estimation of bus fare elasticities for the UK (collaborators: P. Goodwin, TAS Partnership Ltd. and Leeds University), project manager and principal investigator (1998-99)
  • Volvo Research Foundation, grant for preparatory work on analysis of behavioural complexity (with B. Heydecker) (2001)
  • DfT: Development of an aggregate transport forecasting model for the UK (collaborators P. Goodwin and M. Hanly), project manager and principal investigator (2001-02)
  • DfT: Review of passenger transport elasticities, (with P. Goodwin and M. Hanly) (2001-02)
  • Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive: expert advice on public transport modelling (2003)
  • Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Securité (INRETS), France: estimation of public transport elasticities for France (2004)
  • Passenger Demand Forecasting Council: advice on modelling the dynamics of rail travel (2004)
  • Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie, France: “The car in Europe”, collaborative project with French and German Partners, principal investigator for UK contribution (2004-05)
  • OECD: Household Behaviour and Environmental Policy, module on Personal Transport (2005-07)
  • Scottish Executive: Rail Fares Evidence in Scotland: A review (2006)
  • DfT: External factors in rail demand data extension and modelling (2006)
  • Commission for Integrated Transport: Public attitudes towards aviation and climate change (2006)
  • DfT: Revealed preference study to assess the impact of reliability on passenger rail demand (2006-7)
  • ATOC: London fares elasticities (2007)
  • DfT: Real productivity differentials (2007)
  • Independent Transport Commission: Long-distance travel (2008)


  • Statistical Methods for Economics, Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) degree, Oxford University (1988-92)
  • Quantitative Methods, Diploma in Development Economics, Oxford University (1988-89)
  • Assessor, Statistical Methods in Economics, PPE, Oxford University (1990)
  • Examiner, Elementary Quantitative Methods, Special Diploma in Social Studies, Oxford University (1991)
  • Econometrics, M.Sc. in Development Economics, Oxford University (1989-94)
  • Quantitative Methods, M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics, Oxford University (1992-95)
  • Guest Lecturer, Transport Modelling component of Transport Economics, M.Sc. in Logistics, Oulu University, Finland (2003)
  • Transport Economics module of Transport Studies option, B.Eng. Civil and Environmental Engineering, UCL (2003)
  • Lectures on Air transport and climate change, Introduction to Surface and Air Transport, TRAN 1030, ITS, Leeds (2007)
<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Any research projects I'm currently working on will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>

Research groups and institutes

  • Economics and Appraisal