Dr Ye Liu
- Position: Research Fellow
- Email: Y.Liu8@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 0014
- Location: 3.10 Institute for Transport Studies
- Website: Googlescholar | Researchgate | ORCID
Current positions
- Research fellow of Institute for Transport Studies (ITS), University of Leeds
- Group member for Spatial Modelling and Dynamics, Institute for Transport Studies (ITS), University of Leeds
Research interests
Key research interests:
- Vehicle exhaust emissions, especially for soot particles;
- Vehicle non-exhaust emissions, such as brake and tyre wear emissions
- Environmental and health assessment of vehicle exhaust and non-exhaust emissions
Research Projects:
- International Exchange Project funded by the Royal Society, Non-exhaust PM emissions from electric vehicles: source characteristics and their influence on resuspension and dispersion patterns, 2024-2026, PI
- UKRI IAA, Testing and validating an innovative method to optimise the control strategy of diesel particulate filter (DPF) regeneration with industrial stakeholders, 2023-2024, PI
- International Exchange Programme, Department of Science and Technology of Henan Province, China, Mechanisms of surface adsorption of N2O and NH3 on the environmental evolution characteristics of diesel soot particles. 2022-2024, PI
- Open Foundation of the State Key Laboratory of Engines, Study on the fragmentation mechanism of soot particles from diesel engines during combustion. 2021-2023, PI
- Horizon 2020 - Nanoparticle Emissions from the Transport Sector: Health and Policy Impacts (nPETS), 2021-2024
- Highways England - Highways England Traffic Management Algorithm Review (HETMAR), 2021-2022
- Horizon 2020 - Modify Drivers’ behaviour to Adapt for Lower Emissions (MODALES), 2019-2022
Research groups and institutes
- Spatial Modelling and Dynamics
- PhD, Power machinery and Engineering, Tianjin University, 2019
Student education
PhD student supervision:
- Mengyuan Xu (2023-)
- Cut Dona Kordelia (2023-)
Master student supervision:
- Yitong Liu (2023-)
- Weihan Li (2023-)
Bowen Zhou (2023-)
Haoyuan Gao (2023-)
Yining Wang (2023-)
Zhicheng Hao (2023-)
Visiting PhD:
- Ruisen Jiang (2021-2022)
- Xue Wu (2022-2023)
Research groups and institutes
- Spatial Modelling and Dynamics