Professor Gerard de Jong
- Position: Research Professor
- Areas of expertise: passenger and freight transport models; stated preference studies; project appraisal
- Email: G.C.Dejong@its.leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 5337
- Location: Room 1.12, Institute for Transport Studies (34-40 University Road)
Alternative telephone: +31 70 312 1533
Key Research Interests
- Car ownership and car use
- Passenger travel demand
- Freight transport demand
- Valuation and evaluation
- Micro-econometrics
Employment History
- Guest researcher, Centre for Transport Studies, VTI/Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 2009-2013
- Director of Research, NEA, Zoetermeer, 2008-2010
- Director, Significance, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2007-now
- Research Professor, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, 2006-now
- Visiting Professor, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, 2004-2006
- (Senior) research leader, RAND Europe, Leiden, 2001-2006
- (Senior) Consultant, Hague Consulting Group, The Hague, 1989-2001
- Researcher, The Netherlands organisation for scientific research (NWO), employed at the Institute of Actuarial Science and Econometrics of the University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 1986-1988
Professional Engagements
- Winner of 1989 Neil Mansfield Memorial Prize for best paper by an author under 35 years at PTRC 1989 Meeting
- Editorial advisory board of Transportation Research – A (Policy)
- Editorial advisory board of the Journal of Choice Modelling
- Editorial advisory board for Transportation
- Editor-in-chief of Tijdschrift Vervoerswetenschap
- Former director of Association of European Transport (AET) that organises the annual European Transport Conference
- Refereed papers for various journals in transport, economics and regional science
- Member of PhD committees at ceremonies in The Netherlands, UK, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark and France
- Chairman for keynote plenary sessions at European Transport Conference 2007/2008/2009
- Invited paper in Handbook of Transport Modelling (2000, 2008)
- Invited paper in Handbook of Technology Management (2009)
- Textbook on Modelling Freight Transport, with Lori Tavasszy (2014)
Research interests
Research Projects and Experience
- Transport models, econometric model estimation (including discrete choice models and discrete-continuous models, duration and stochastic frontier models), location models, cost-benefit and multi-criteria analysis methods, survey design (especially for stated preference surveys)
- Project manager of transport research projects for the European Commission, the UK Department for Transport, the French, Dutch, German, Danish and Israeli Ministries of Transport, the Swedish and Norwegian transport authorities, regional and local authorities, public transport authorities and public transport companies
- Market can bear tests for markups on rail infrastructure charges in The Netherlands and Austria.
- Value of time and reliability study in passenger and freight transport in Norway.
- Ex-post evalution of large transport projects for EU-DGREGIO.
- Unit values and methods for appraising rail freight projects for JASPERS (EIB, EBRD and EC).
- A national freight transport model for the US for the FHWA.
- Re-design and update of the Flemish Government strategic models for passenger and freight transport.
- Stated preference study into the value of time and reliability of travel time for passenger and freight transport in The Netherlands.
- Development of a micro-level logistics module (including determination of shipment size, transport chain, use of consolidation and distribution centres, modes) for the Norwegian, Swedish and Danish national freight model systems.
- Review on reliability in passenger and freight transport for the German Federal Ministy of Transport (BMVBS).
- Re-estimation of the Dutch national model (LMS) for traffic and transport.
- The impacts on car ownership of abolishing the car purchase tax and introducing kilometre-based charging (stated choice experiment and model).
- Cohort-based forecasting model for demand for rail travel for NS.
- Hightool strategic and fast transport model for the EU for European Commission DGMOVE.
- Study on the value of safety in transport for the European Investment Bank.
- Passenger and freight transport models for the mobility masterplan Flanders.
- Demand forecasting risk analysis for a new high speed rail link and for a large tunnel project.
- Estimation of mode choice models for Dutch national freight transport model BasGoed.
- Review of freight transport elasticities.
- Review of transport policies for reducing emissions for Israeli Ministry of the Environment.
Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds
- Development of a European freight transport and logistics model (Transtools3 project for European Commission DGMOVE).
- Meta-analysis of values of time (partly within the HEATCO project for the EC).
- Experimental economics of shipper-carier interactions in freight transport.
- Development of a model for mode and shipment size choice on the Swedish Commodity Flow Survey.
- PhD Econometrics, University of Amsterdam, 1989
- MA Spatial Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 1985
Student education
As parttime research professor I'm not involved in regular teaching.
- Guest lectures at Universities in The Netherlands, UK, Belgium, Sweden, Switzerland and Italy
- Invited lectures at postgraduate courses on transport modelling and on stated Preference methods
- PhD supervision
Research groups and institutes
- Economics and Appraisal