Dr Llinos Brown
- Position: Research Fellow
- Areas of expertise: Sustainable Mobility; Future Mobility Systems; Sustainable Mobility; Active Travel (including Walking); Transport; Energy; Energy Cultures; Workplace Energy Use; Mixed Methods
- Email: L.V.Brown@leeds.ac.uk
- Location: G.01, Institute for Transport Studies
- Website: Twitter | LinkedIn | Researchgate | ORCID
I am a transport researcher with an interest in future low carbon mobility options, active travel, multi-modal transport options and how transport has been impacted by the pandemic. With a disciplinary background in Geography, I often apply a spatial lens to research topics and draw links to other topics such as environment, health and well-being.
Current Research
I am currently working on a longitudinal project which is examining how transport, travel and lifestyles have been impacted, and are continuing to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The backbone of this project is a longitudinal panel survey conducted with the same participants every 6-9 months to gain an understanding of how individuals are travelling, interacting with different transport modes, and conducting different tasks at each timepoint. During the first year of this project I was also involved in a series of longitudinal panel qualitative interviews with members of the public, which were used to gain an in-depth insight into what life was like during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic.
This project includes regular interactions with academic, transport and policy stakeholders (e.g. Transport for Scotland, Department for Transport, Transport for Greater Manchester, Transport for the North).
More information on this project is available here : https://covid19transas.org/
Public Perceptions towards 20% reduction in car kilometres by 2030
Alongside this work I have also worked on a ClimateXChange/Scottish Government funded fellowhip which used focus groups to gain an understanding of public perceptions towards the Scottish Governments 20% reduction in car kilometres by 2030 target. This work involved regular interactions with Scottish Government colleagues.
Information on this project, along with reports and summaries can be found here: https://www.climatexchange.org.uk/research/projects/future-mobility-systems/
Previous Research
Before joining the Institute, I was awarded an EPSRC CASE award PhD titled ‘Energy Cultures: An Approach to Explore Workplace Energy Use at Multiple Scales’ from the University of Central Lancashire. This research examined energy use in an industrial work environment. Through a mixed-methods approach consisting of interviews, surveys and focus groups conducted in the UK and USA, the results provided a rich empirical insight into the individual and organisational determinants of energy use in a work environment.
Research interests
Research Interests
My research interests focus on the social aspects of a low carbon society. Focusing on themes such as:
- future mobility options,
- active travel (including walking),
- multi-modal transport options,
- reducing car dependency,
- transport during and post Covid-19
- transports interaction with other disciplines such as energy and health.
My research has always centred around my personal interest in sustainability and how we transition to a low carbon society quickly and effectively.
- PhD, University of Central Lancashire
- BSc (Hons), Geography, The University of Manchester
Student education
I have taught, and assisted on the following modules:
2020 – 2021
- Social Analysis and Social Psychology for Transport
I am also a Masters Dissertation supervisor.
Prior to starting at the Instiute for Transport Studies, I have taught, and assisted on the following modules outside the University of Leeds:
- Issues in Sustainability
- Research Theory and Practice
- Carbon Management
- Academic Principles, Study and Methods,
- Introducing Human Geography
- Cities
Research groups and institutes
- Social and Political Sciences