Energy-related economic stress
A two-day international workshop ‘Energy-related economic stress at the interface between transport poverty, fuel poverty and residential location’ was hosted by ITS.
The workshop was a part of the EPSRC-funded (t)ERES research project, which is linked to the DEMAND Centre.
The workshop’s primary objective was to make connections between issues of affordability in different areas (transport, housing and domestic energy) and how these have been conceptualised (or not) in three different EU countries (UK, France and Germany), while also bringing together academic and policy perspectives. Participants from these countries included those representing local and national government departments, the not-for profit sector, and the energy industry.
Over two intensive days a range of topics covered included: transport-related economic stress among motorised lower-middle classes; the poor resilience and oil vulnerability of suburban and remote areas; urban households who cannot afford car ownership; the coping strategies of households and policy makers in the face of rising fuel and housing costs; how to develop a comprehensive approach to (transport and domestic) energy poverty; the definition and measurement of ‘transport poverty’.
Read more and view the workshop presentations via the (t)ERES project website.