Unlocking the secrets of consumer behaviour
The Consumer Data Research Centre, directed by Professor Mark Birkin, launches its data services today, offering new data for researchers to garner unprecedented insights into consumer behaviour.
New species of testate amoeba discovered by Graeme Swindles in Amazonia
Diverse ecological communities of Amazonia play a crucial role in the maintenance of the biosphere.
Climate change threatens previous UK ecosystem
An entire ecosystem is at risk from the effects of climate change on the UK's blanket bogs, scientists at the University of Leeds have warned.
NERC Isotope Geosciences Facilities award for Roel Brienen
The NERC Isotope Geosciences Facilities awarded isotope analysis time to Roel Brienen for the research project “Is the hydrological cycle of the Amazon changing? An isotopic tree ring study”.
Nature highlights results on the importance of tree height in estimating biomass
Nature “Research Highlights” featured results from a new paper led by Ted Feldpausch and colleagues from the University of Leeds-based international projects RAINFOR, AfriTRON, TROBIT, and AMAZONICA.