Professor Chris Davies wins 2024 Price Medal
The Royal Astronomical Society awarded Professor Davies the Price Medal for his work to further the understanding of the thermochemical evolution of the Earth.
Professor Steve Banwart, 1959-2023
It is with great sadness that we share this tribute to the Global Food and Environment Institute (GFEI) founder and much-loved colleague, Professor Steve Banwart, 1959 - 2023.
Using stories to communicate about sustainability
The Critical Sustainability Stories (CriSS) Tool is being introduced to professional storytellers to help them effectively communicate about the climate.
Ensuring nutrition is at the heart of climate smart agriculture
Farmers in sub-Saharan Africa need to diversify away from growing maize and switch to crops that are resilient to climate change and supply key micronutrients for the population, say researchers.
Professor Selina Stead to lead Australian Institute of Marine Science
Professor Selina Stead, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Environment at the University, has been appointed to lead Australia’s tropical marine research agency as its new Chief Executive Officer.