
Results 456 to 460 of 511 in School of Earth and Environment

The map shows the number of premature deaths prevented each year due to the introduction of European Union (EU) policies and new technologies to reduce air pollution. The numbers given are for a 4km by 4km grid square.

At a seminar in Brussels later today [Tuesday, 11 October], the role of EU policy in improving air quality will be praised, at a time when such policies face an uncertain future because of the result

Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, the current President of Iceland, gave the keynote speech at 'The Future of Wild Europe' conference at the University of Leeds this September.

Tina Nakashole from University of Leeds on fieldwork looking at the old rock bed of the Orange river in Namibia.

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University of Leeds is The Good University Guide University of the Year 2017

The University of Leeds has been named University of the Year 2017 by The Times and The Sunday Times’ Good University Guide.

CryoSat image. Credit: Planetary Visions

Dr Mal McMillan from UK Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling at the University of Leeds is lead author on a new paper that maps the detailed pattern of recent ice loss from Greenland Ice Sheet.