
Results 796 to 800 of 1010 in all schools

Image from TravelHackII 2017

Two ITS staff, Robin Lovelace and Ian Philips, attended the TravelHackII event hosted by ODI Leeds.

Baby dinosaur fossil in China

Past mass extinctions may have the potential to guide modern conservation efforts, according to a new study.

Traffic in Jakarta, Indonesia

Dr Chandra Balijepalli from the Institute of Transport Studies (ITS) is visiting Indonesia from 9 to 20 October 2017.

Universities whose work has driven environmental awareness - graphic from THE

Dr Anwesha Sarkar was successful in receiving a Leeds Research Mobility Award (RMA) to travel to ETH Zurich, Switzerland. 

The University of Leeds is contributing to ensure greater resilience of the UK's food supply

Dr Julia Martin-Ortega (Earth and Environment) and Dr Miller Alonso Camargo-Valero (Civil Engineering) have been awarded one of the five projects funded by the UK’s Global Food Security programme.